Commercial Sheep and Goat farming is gaining lot of importance and the scope in the near future is enormous. A deep understanding on the sheep and goat sector across the country will enable one to decide on how to go for the farming venture.

Unlike other livestock and poultry industries the sheep and goat sector remain highly unorganized. Majority of the population are in the hands of farmers and landless labours who don’t have any knowledge on production cost involved and selling values. This imposes a serious barrier for the commercial entrepreneurs. Having a clear vision on the project they are going to venture in and guidance from industry experts makes the job easy.


Dr.M.Rajasekaran., MVSc., is in the field of sheep and goat farming consultation over 20 years and have tons of expertise providing guidance to the newcomers. The technical expertise along with the experience gathered over the years makes him leading consultant in the country in all segments of farming from planning to export of goats.




The consultation is offered on all Sundays in our office. A prior appointment is mandatory and will be a eye opener for new comers and trouble shooter for existing farmers.

Project Report

We offer project report for all sheep and goat farming ventures. The project reports for Bank loans and project report for NABARD and other subsidiary schemes will be done as per your need.

Shed Construction

We offer our support right from selection of land till completion of goat shed. We have team of workers for doing raised platform sheds of wooden and plastic flooring. The sheds will be designed according to the kind of farming proposed and type of goats that will be placed. We also extend our service in construction ground level sheds.

We, being experienced in animal exports will take care of creating all bio safety measures and sanitary measures mandatory for farms.

Animal Sourcing

In goat farming selection of right kind of farming method and right breed of animals is the key in succeeding. We support the farmers in selecting the right kind of farming practice according to their resources and market needs of that geographical area and suggest best breeds for the farm. We have our presence through out India with our fellow farms and can source the best animals for the farmers.

Feed Formulation

The promoter has his masters in Animal Nutrition and in the field for too long. We offer best feed and fodder solutions to the farmers based on their resources. We are guiding farms feeding with complete grazing without any additional concentrate feeding to farms feeding on dry fodders and concentrates without any green fodder.

Disease Management

We have a team of well experienced veterinarians along with our promoter in providing solutions for farms under problem. We usually suggest our clients to get support from the experts in their surroundings and offer our service when there are serious threats. We offer a detailed protocol for the farms in regular farm routines from deworming and vaccinations. And offer support when needed.


We are the in the industry for too long and have a broad network of traders and end users. We are buying the animals throughout the year and we can assist the farms in marketing or exporting their produce.


We are one among the very few live goat exporters in South India. We have it consistently over a period of 10 years. We can assist in supplying goats, documentation works and getting all certifications for live exports. We are ready to offer our support in any stage of live animal export to our clients.


We are in to sourcing and supplying sheep and goats over the years and we have a huge demand for animals throughout the year. We have developed a concept of getting the male goats reared by farmers and we have done it on trial basis for the past three years. The success we got enables us go for the farming in a big way.

In this.

We offer male sheep of 15 kg live weight

We offer feed and other support if needed by the farmer or they can manage their own.

We take back the animals at a weight of 30 to 35 kgs.

We offer a fixed rate to farmers for each kg weight gain.

For further details on contract farming, the farmers can directly contact our office.